
FOUNDER of Mosaic Pearls 
Ms. Chrisly G.

A Nursing student & Worship Leader who loves to worship the most High God and teach the youth about the hard lessons of life and how to overcome them and be an example and learn from past mistakes. Her passion is to see the underdogs of life thrive with an exceptional testimony that points all directions to Christ. She believes that class, natural leadership, etiquette and self-respect are becoming a dying art, slowly on a day to day basis and wants to help restore that. Although this site is one that targets young women she has a vision that will help scope not only young women but men as well! Once that extension is launched her excitement will grow even more as she can not wait to taste and see what the Lord will do for his children! Be on the lookout! Many blessings!
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Mosaic Pearls is a women's ministry founded to inspire and encourage women of all races and ages to step out on Faith and follow God's plan and will for their lives! 

This site is to serve as a means for encouragement to women who are shattered from life's experiences, bruised by broken promises, discouraged by lack of success, having thoughts of suicide, confused regarding salvation, bitter in terms of betrayal, followers rather than leaders, enslaved to things of the past, okay with not trusting God, battle with low self-esteem, rejection and wavering identity. 

I know that it's more than possible to overcome. I know that it may not make sense and the future looks foggy right now but I know that I was able to be healed, released & renewed and so can you! Who says that you can not be that Proverbs 31 woman? Who says that you can't change lives tomorrow like the women in Titus or help transform a nation like Esther or become a leader Like Deborah or sensitive and brave like Abigail? Who says that you are not smart enough, pretty enough, good enough, worthy enough, meek or bold enough?
It doesn't matter because God always has the final word. So whatever "THEY" say is invalid. It doesn't count. What are nay-sayers before the ultimate yay-sayer? 

It's time to stop hiding, it's time to stop crying, it's time to have Faith and Move on into His will and I would like to help as much as the Lord inspires me to do so!

We exist because you exist. We love you because Christ first did! We impact so that you may impact others in return! To Impact simply means to have a strong effect on someone or something!

Mosaic Pearls stands on 1 Timothy 4:12 which says:

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
We have work to do. Work fit for the King!
Before you dive into this journey with me, I simply ask of 5 thing. Ready? Here it Goes:

1. Be open to God's voice
2. Spend time in the Word
3. Pray as much as you can
4. Get a Journal
5. Tell a friend


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